
  1. Liang B, Gao Y, Chen Z, Xu XG: Evaluation of Effective Dose from CT Scans for Overweight and Obese Adult Patients Using the VirtualDose Software. Radiat Prot Dosimetry 2016.
  2. Xu XG, Lin H, Gao Y, Caracappa PF, Wang Y, Huo W, Pi Y, Feng M, Chen Z, Dauer L, Raymond Thornton R, Zachary Dauer Z, Keith Alvarado K, St.Germain J, Solomon S: Monte Carlo Assessment of Dose to the Lens of the Eye of Radiologist Using Realistic Phantoms and Eyeglass Models. American Association of Medical Physicists (AAPM) Annual Meeting, Washington DC, July 31 – August 4, 2016.
  3. Liu T, Lin H, Gao Y, Caracappa PF, Wang G, Cong W, Xu XG: Radiation Dose Simulation for a Newly Proposed Dynamic Bowtie Filters for CT Using Fast Monte Carlo Methods. American Association of Medical Physicists (AAPM) Annual Meeting, Washington DC, July 31 – August 4, 2016.
  4. 朱学俊, 霍万里, 梁保辉, 陈志, 徐榭: 腹部CT扫描中各因素对受检者有效剂量的影响. 中国医学物理学杂志, 33(3):252-257, 2016 (Chinese).
  5. Ding A, Gao Y, Liu H, Caracappa PF, Long DJ, Bolch WE, Liu B, Xu XG. VirtualDose: a software for reporting organ doses from CT for adult and pediatric patients. Phys Med Biol. 2015 Jul 21;60(14):5601-5625. Epub 2015 Jul 2.
  6. Gao Y, Lin H, Caracappa PF, Xu XG. Recent Improvement of VirtualDose software for reporting organ doses from CT. Health Physics Society (HPS) Annual Meeting, July 12-16, 2015.
  7. Gao Y, Lin H, Caracappa PF, Khawaja R, Kalra M, Xu XG. Simulation of Organ Dose for Off-center CT Scan, American Association of Medical Physicists (AAPM) Annual Meeting, July 12-16, 2015.
  8. Gao Y, Liu T, Caracapa PF, Kalra M, Liu B, Xu XG. Approximation of tube current modulation and organ dose calculation for CT scans, American Association of Medical Physicists (AAPM) Annual Meeting, July 12-16, 2015.
  9. Liu H, Liu T, Xu XG, Zhuo W: Eye Lens Dose Reduction From CT Scan Using Organ Based Tube Current Modulation.  American Association of Medical Physicists (AAPM) Annual Meeting, July 12-16, 2015.
  10. Xu XG, Liu T, Su L, Liu B: ARCHER, a new Monte Carlo software tool for emerging heterogeneous computing environments. Annals of Nuclear Energy 82:2-9, July, 2015
  11. Gao Y, Caracappa PF, Xu XG. VirtualDose — An Advanced Software For Calculating Organ Doses To Patients Undergoing CT Examinations. Computer Assisted radiology and Surgery (CARS) 2015. Barcelona, Spain, June 24-27, 2015.
  12. Liu T, Wolfe N, Carothers CD, Xu XG. Development of A Medical Physics Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Code ARCHER.  GPU Technology Conference March 17 – 20, 2015.
  13. Lira D, Khawaja RDA, Padole A, Otrakji A, Singh S, Kalra MK, Liu B, Zhang D, Xu XG. Effect of kV on CT radiation dose: Internal organ dosimetry in a human cadaver. 100th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago, Illinois. 100th Scientific A
  14. Padole A, Singh S, Khawaja RDA, Otrakji A, Lira D, Kalra MK, Zhang D, Liu B, Primak A, Xu G. Effect of tube current on CT radiation organ dose: Organ dosimetry in a human cadaver study. 100th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago, Illino
  15. Khawaja RDA, Singh S, Padole A, Otrakji A, Lira D, Zhang D, Liu B, Xu XG, Primak A, Kalra M. Effect of Patient Centering Technique on In-Vitro Human Organ Doses for Abdominal CT. 100th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago, Illinois. 100
  16. Liu T, Du X, Su L, Gao Y, Ji W, Zhang D, Shi J, Liu B, Kalra M, Xu, XG. Monte Carlo CT Dose Calculation: A Comparison Between Experiment and Simulation Using ARCHER-CT. Medical Phys, 41(6): 424, 2014.
  17. Lin H, Liu T, Su L, Du X, Gao Y, Caracappa PF, Xu XG. Formation of Computational Phantoms from CT Numbers for Use in the ARCHER Monte Carlo Code. Health Phys. 107(1): S98, 2014.
  18. Gao Y, Caracappa PF, Xu XG. How to Use VirtualDose to Track Patient Organ Doses. Health Phys. 107(1): S100, 2014.
  19. Caracappa PF, Gao Y, Ding A, Xu XG. Evaluation of Computed Tomography Dose Using a Family of Virtual Patients. Health Phys. 107(1): S83, 2014.
  20. Liu T, Du X, Su L, Gao Y, Ji W, Carothers CD, Shephard MS, Liu B, Kalra MK, Brown FB, Fitzgerald PF, Xu XG. Testing of ARCHER-CT, A Fast Monte Carlo Code for CT Dose Calculation: Experiment versus Simulation. Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 110: 481, 2014.
  21. 梁保辉,刘海宽,陈志,徐榭.  基于 VirtualDose模拟不同CT扫描方案的儿童眼晶体剂量. 第二届全球华人辐射研究大会.苏州, May 11-15,2014 (Chinese).
  22. Liu T, Du X, Su L, Ji W and Xu X G. Development of ARCHER-CT, a fast Monte Carlo code for patient-specific CT dose calculations using Nvidia GPU and Intel coprocessor technologies.  GPU Technology Conference 2014, San Jose, CA, USA.
  23. Zhang D, Li X, Gao Y, Xu XG, Liu B. A method to acquire CT organ dose map using OSL dosimeters and ATOM anthropomorphic phantoms. Med Phys 40:08191-8 (2013).
  24. Liu H, Ding A, Xu XG. VirtualDose: A new software used for reporting patient organ dose from CT scan. China Medical Devices. 28(10):1-5 (2013).
  25. Gu J, Caracappa PF, Xu XG, Liu B. Fetal Doses to Pregnant Patients from CT with Tube Current Modulation Calculated Using Monte Carlo Simulations and Realistic Phantoms. Radiat Prot Dosi 155  (1):  64-72 (2013).
  26. Liu T, Xu GX, Carothers CD. Comparison of Two Accelerators for Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Calculations, NVIDIA Tesla M2090 GPU and Intel Xeon Phi 3120 Coprocessor: a Case Study for X-ray CT Imaging Dose Calculation. Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications
  27. Caracappa PF, Ding A, Xu XG. Interpolation Method for Calculation of Computed Tomography Dose from Angular Varying Tube Current. Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo 2013. Paris, France, October 27-31, 2013.
  28. Xu XG, Liu T, Su L, Du X, Riblett MJ, Ji W, Gu D, Carothers CD, Shephard MS, Brown FB, Kalra MK, Liu B. ARCHER, a New Monte Carlo Software Tool for Emerging Heterogeneous Computing Environments. Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo 2013 (SNA
  29. Su L, Du X, Liu T, Xu XG. GPU-Accelerated Monte Carlo Electron Transport Methods: Development and Application for Radiation Dose Calculations Using Six GPU Cards. Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo, Paris, France, October27-31, 2013.
  30. Liu T, Du X, Xu XG. Affordable Supercomputer-Based Monte Carlo CT Dose Calculations: A Hardware Comparison Between Nvidia M2090 GPU and Intel Xeon Phi 5110p Coprocessor. AAPM 55th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 4-8, 2013.
  31. Ding A, Gao Y, Caracappa PF, Long D, Bolch W, Liu B, Kalra M, Xu XG. Clinical Evaluation of VirtualDose – a Software for Tracking and Reporting CTDI, DLP, Organ and Effective Dose for Adult and Pediatric Patient. AAPM 55th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 4-8, 2013.
  32. Gao Y, Ding A, Zhang D, Liu B, Caracappa PF, Xu XG. Monte Carlo Simulation and Dose Calculation of Chest CT Scan with Tube Current Modulation. AAPM 55th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 4-8, 2013.
  33. Gao Y, Ding A, Caracappa PF, Xu XG. K-Factors for Overweight and Obese Patients in CT Examinations as a Function of Body Mass Index. AAPM 55th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 4-8, 2013.
  34. Liu H, Gao Y, Zhuo W, Wu J, Xu XG. Study On the CT Radiation Attenuation Characteristics of Human Body for Phantom Design Using Monte Carlo Simulations. AAPM 55th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 4-8, 2013.
  35. Su L, Du X, Liu T, Xu XG. A Fast Monte Carlo Electron Transport Code for Dose Calculations Using the GPU Accelerator. Health Physics Society 58th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Madison, WI, July 7-11, 2013.
  36. Gao Y, Ding A, Caracappa PF, Xu XG. A Monte Carlo Method to Compute Patient Dose for Chest Computed Tomography Scans Involving Tube Current Modulation. 58th Annual Health Physics Society Meeting, Madison, WI, July 7-11, 2013.
  37. Gao Y, Ding A, Caracappa PF, Xu XG. Dose-Length-Product-to-Effective-Dose Conversion Factors for Overweight and Obese Patients in X-ray Computed Tomography Examinations. 58th Annual Health Physics Society Meeting, Madison, WI, July 7-11, 2013.
  38. Xu XG, Liu T, Su L, Du X, Riblett MJ, Ji W. An Update of ARCHER, a Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Software Testbed for Emerging Hardware Such as GPUs. 2013 American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, June 16-20, 2013.
  39. Ding A, Gao Y, Caracappa PF, Xu XG. An Update of the Development and Clinical Testing of VirtualDose Software Used for Reporting CT Doses. 2013 American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, June 16-20, 2013.
  40. Liu T, Ji W, Xu GX. Development of GPU-based Monte Carlo Code for Fast CT Imaging Dose Calculation on CUDA Fermi Architecture. International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA, May 5-9, 2013.
  41. Ding A, Gao Y, Caracappa PF, Liu B, Long D, Bolch WE, Xu XG. Testing of CT Dose Software VirtualDose<™ for Tracking and Reporting Patient Doses. 2012 RSNA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL,  November 25-30, 2012.
  42. Ding A, Xu XG. An Update of “VirtualDose” Software Used for Assessing Patient Organ Doses from CT Examinations.  2012 CIRMS Annual Meeting, NIST, Gaithersburg, MA, October 22-25, 2012.
  43. Liu T, Su L, Ding A, Ji W, Carothers C, Xu XG. GPU/CUDA-Ready Parallel Monte Carlo Codes for Reactor Analysis and Other Applications. 2012 ANS Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, June 24-28, 2012.
  44. Su L, Xu XG. A Database for Effective Dose from External Photon Exposures Using Voxel Phantoms and ICRP 103. 2012 ANS Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, June 24-28, 2012.
  45. Su L, Xu XG. A Database for Effective Doses and Dosimeter Responses from External Photon Exposures Using Voxel Phantoms and ICRP 103 Recommendation. 57th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, Sacramento, CA, July 22-26, 2012.
  46. Gao Y, Ding A, Caracappa PF, Xu XG. Position Sensitivity of Calculated Dose-Length-Product-to-Effective-Dose Conversion Factors in Computed Tomography Examination. 57th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, Sacramento, CA, July 22-26, 2012.
  47. Ding A, Gao Y, Caracappa PF, Xu XG. CT Dose Reporting with the VirtualDose Software: Database and Software Testing for Clinical Users. 57th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, Sacramento, CA, July 22-26, 2012.
  48. Liu T, Ding A, Xu XG. GPU-Based Monte Carlo Methods for Accelerating Radiographic and CT Imaging Dose Calculations: Feasibility and Scalability. Med. Phys. 39(6):3876, 2012.
  49. Liu T, Ding A, Xu XG. Accelerated Monte Carlo Methods for Photon Dosimetry Using a Dual-GPU System and CUDA. Med. Phys. 39(6):3818, 2012.
  50. Gao Y, Ding A, Caracappa PF, Xu XG. Position Sensitivity of Calculated Dose-Length-Product-To-Effective-Dose Conversion Factors in Computed Tomography Examination. Med. Phys. 39(6):3607, 2012.
  51. Ding A, Gao Y, Caracappa PF, Long D, Bolch W, Xu XG. A Comprehensive CT Organ Dose Database for Weight-Specific Adult and Pediatric Patients. Med. Phys. 39(6):3940, 2012.
  52. Ding A, Gao Y, Caracappa PF, Liu B, Xu XG. Design and Testing of the VirtualDose Software under the Software as a Service (SaaS) Platform for Tracking and Reporting CT Doses. Med. Phys. 39(6):3876, 2012.
  53. Caracappa PF, Xu XG. Invited 30-min talk: The impact of the icrp-103 recommendations on radiation protection and shielding against external photon and neutron beams. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC2012), Beijing International Convention Center in Beijing, Chin
  54. Xu XG, Su L, Liu L, Ding A. GPU-based Monte Carlo method for medical physics applications: preliminary results for x-ray and proton applications. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC2012), Beijing International Convention Center in Beijing, China, May 26-31, 2012.
  55. Xu XG, Ding A, Caracappa PF. Virtualdose software for ct dose tracking involving deformable and personalized phantoms. Mini-symposium on “patient safety and radiation dose tracking for CT and other medical procedures”: World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC2012), Bei
  56. Xu XG, Bolch WE. Joint RPI/UF Project on The Development of VirtualDose software for CT dose. The Third International Workshop on Computational Phantoms for Radiation Protection, Imaging and Radiotherapy, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 8 and 9, 2011.
  57. Schulte N, Xu WM, Ding A, Caracappa PF, Xu XG. A SmartPhone APP for tracking medical ct doses. 56th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, West Palm Beach, FL, June 26-30, 2011.
  58. Mille M, Ding A, Liu T, Na Y-H, Caracappa PF, Xu XG. The effect of patient obesity on PET/CT imaging dose using a phantom with a body mass index of 45. 56th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, West Palm Beach, FL, June 26-30, 2011.
  59. Liu T, Ding A, Caracappa PF, Xu XG. Modeling of obese individuals using automatic deformation of mesh-based computational phantoms. 56th Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, West Palm Beach, FL, June 26-30, 2011.
  60. McNitt-Gray M, Xu XG, Samei E. Patient Dose in CT: Calculating Patient Specific Doses in CT (Joint with Education). Med. Phys. 38(6):3759, 2011.
  61. Ding A, Schulte N, Caracappa PF, Xu XG. Further development of VirtualDose software for CT dose assessment: Realistic phantoms and smartphone user interfaces. Med Phys 38(6): 3877, 2011.
  62. Ding A, Mille M, Caracappa PF, Xu XG. Impact of body size of obese patients on PET/CT dose estimates: Monte Carlo calculations using a set of BMI-adjustable phantoms. Med. Phys. 38(6): 3843, 2011.
  63. Caracappa PF, Ding A, Gu J, Liu B, Xu XG. Organ dose weighting methods for tube current modulated CT exams: Demonstration using adult patient phantoms. Med Phys 38(6): 3875, 2011.
  64. Caracappa PF, Xu XG, Gu J. Modelling Of Tube Current Modulation Methods In Computed Tomography Dose Calculations For Adult And Pregnant Patients.  International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2011), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazi
  65. Na YH, Ding A, Caracappa PF, Xu XG. Demonstration of the Ability to Morph an Existing Whole-body Phantom to a Different Individual. Med. Phys. 37(6): 3279, 2010. 52nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA, July 1
  66. Gu J, Liu B, Xu XG, CT Dose Reduction with Tube Current Modulation: A Case Study of Fetal Doses to Pregnant Patients Using Monte Carlo Computational Phantoms. Med. Phys. 37(6): 3464, 2010. 52nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Pennsylvania Convention Cente
  67. Ding A, Gu J, Mille M, Xu XG, Wang Y, Trofimov AV, Methods to Account for Imaging Doses from Diagnostic MDCT or Kilovoltage CBCT in Prostate Treatment Planning: Monte Carlo Studies Using Scanner Models and Patient-Specific Anatomy. Med. Phys. 37(6): 3462, 2010. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Amer
  68. Ding A, Gu J, Caracappa PF, Xu XG, Development and Testing of a CT Dose Software “VirtualDose” Using Anatomically Realistic Patient Phantoms: Preliminary Results for the Phase I of the project. Med. Phys. 37(6): 3463, 2010. 52nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medi
  69. Caracappa PF, Gu J, Xu XG. Organ-Specific Adjustment Factors for Calculating Dose from Any CT Scanner. Med. Phys. 37(6): 3100, 2010. 52nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA, July 18 – 22, 2010.
  70. Ding A, Gu J, Mille M, Xu XG, Liu B. VirtualDose: a CT dose reporting software based on anatomically realistic phantoms. Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 5-9, 2010.
  71. Xu XG. Deformable Phantoms for External and Internal Dosimetry: A Review of the Latest Development. Invited paper for European Conference on Individual Monitoring of Ionizing Radiation, Athens, Greece, March 8-12, 2010.
  72. Gu J, Caracappa PF, Song W, Xu XG. Dosimetric Study of Concomitant Patient Doses from kV CBCT Exposure in IGRT Using Advanced Computational Phantoms and Monte Carlo Simulations. The 95th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago, Illin
  73. Xu X, Gu J, Song W. Monte Carlo Based kV CBCT Modeling and Dose Calculations Involving Anatomical Phantom. Med. Phys. 36(6): 2813, 2009. (Oral presentation – top 20%)
  74. Na Y, Zhang J, Xu X G, Han B, Caracappa P. Next-Generation Deformable Patient Modeling for Monte Carlo Assessment of Organ Doses. Med. Phys. 36(6): 2783, 2009. (Oral presentation – top 20%)
  75. Liu H, Zhang J, Caracappa P, Xu X. Stylized MIRD Phantoms Should be Replaced by Anatomically Realistic Phantoms: Discrepancies In Red Bone Marrow Doses From CT Scans. Med. Phys. 36(6): 2727, 2009. (Oral presentation – top 20%)
  76. Gu J, Caracappa P, Xu X. Monte Carlo Based Multidetector CT Modeling and Dose Calculations for Pregnant Patients. Med. Phys. 36(6): 2727, 2009. (Oral presentation – top 20%)
  77. Gu J, Caracappa P, Xu X. An Iterative Method of Modeling Multidetector CT (MDCT) Source from Measured CTDI Values: A Feasibility Study. Med. Phys. 36(6): 2432, 2009. (Poster presentation)
  78. Ding A, Gu J, Liu H, Caracappa P, Xu X G. The Need and Feasibility of a Modern Software for Reporting Patient Doses from CT Scans. Med. Phys. 36(6): 2727, 2009. (Oral presentation – top 20%)
  79. Caracappa P, Gu J, Zhang J, Xu X. The Impact of the new ICRP-103 Recommendations on the Assessment of Effective Doses from CT Procedures. Med. Phys. 36(6): 2727, 2009. (Oral presentation – top 20%)
  80. Caracappa P, Gu J, Xu X G. Methods of Assessing the Dose to the Red Bone Marrow for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures. Med. Phys. 36(6):2748, 2009. (Oral presentation – top 20%)
  81. Zhang J, Na YH, Han B, Caracappa P, Xu XG. Organ Doses from External Proton Beams Calculated from A Pair of ICRP-89 50th-Percentile Adult Phantoms. Health Phys., Vol 97(1), S79-S80, 2009.
  82. Zhang J, Na YH, Han B, Caracappa P, Xu XG. Organ Doses from External Neutron Beams for A Pair of ICRP-89 50th-percentile Adult Phantoms. Health Phys., 97(1):S80, 2009.
  83. Mille M, Zhang B, Xu XG. Specific Absorbed Fractions for Photon Emitters Calculated for the RPI-Adult Male and Female Phantoms. Health Phys., 97(1):S30, 2009.
  84. Liu H, Gu J, Caracappa P, Xu XG. Comparison of CT organ doses calculated from stylized and realistic phantoms. Health Phys., 97(1):S56, 2009.
  85. Han B, Xu XG. Effects of lead shielding on the fetal dose during external-beam radiation treatment of pregnant patients. Health Phys., 97(1):S38, 2009.
  86. Gu J, Caracappa P, Xu XG. Evaluation of three computer codes for diagnostic X-ray spectra in CT dosimetry. Health Phys., 97(1):S58, 2009.
  87. Gu J, Xu XG. Patient organ doses from the Varian On-Board Imager: A Monte Carlo study using a CT scanner model and adult patient phantoms. Health Phys., 97(1):S58-S59, 2009.
  88. Ding A, Gu J, Liu H, Caracappa P, Xu XG. The Design of A New PC Software for Estimating Patient Doses from CT Scans. Health Phys., 97(1):S56, 2009.
  89. Caracappa P, Zhang J, Xu XG. The Impact of the ICRP-103 Recommendations: A Dosimetric Study of External Photon and Neutron Beams. Health Phys., 97(1) :S79, 2009.
  90. Zhang JY, Na YH, Ding AP, Xu XG. Deformable and Posture-changing Computational Phantoms and Dosimetry Data for Standard External-Beam Irradiations. International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Computational Methods, and Reactor Physics, The Saratoga Hilton Hotel, Saratoga Springs, New
  91. Gu JW, Caracappa P, Xu XG. Multidetector CT (MDCT) modeling for organ dose assessments of various patient phantoms. International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Computational Methods, and Reactor Physics, The Saratoga Hilton Hotel, Saratoga Springs, New York, May 3-7, 2009.
  92. Ding AP, Gu JW, Liu HK, Caracappa P and Xu XG. A Software Package for Reporting Multidetector CT (MDCT) Doses. International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Computational Methods, and Reactor Physics, The Saratoga Hilton Hotel, Saratoga Springs, New York, May 3-7, 2009.
  93. Zhang JY, Xu XG. Development of Whole-Body Reference Adult Male and Female Models for Radiological Studies Using Surface-Geometry Modeling and Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Methods. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR) 17, The Hyatt Regency Long Beach, Long Beach, California. January 19-22,
  94. Na YH, Xu XG. A Method to Create Size-Adjustable Whole-Body Patient Models for Radiological Studies of Organ Doses. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR) 17, The Hyatt Regency Long Beach, Long Beach, California. January 19-22, 2009.
  95. Caracappa PF, Chao TC, Xu XG. Cellularity in Skeletal Dosimetry. American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, 99(67), 2008.
  96. Zhang JY, Na YH, Xu XG. Development of Whole-Body Phantoms Representing An Average Adult Male and Female Using Surface-Geometry Methods. Med. Phys., 35(6):2875, 2008.
  97. Gu JW, Xu XG, Jiang S. Calculations of Organ Doses from Cone-Beam CT IGRT Procedures Using a Suite of Patient Phantoms. Med. Phys., 35(6):2656, 2008.
  98. Na YH, Zhang JY, Xu XG. A Mesh-Based Anatomical Deformation Method for Creating Size-adjustable Whole-body Patient Models. Med. Phys., 35(6):2665, 2008.
  99. Gu JW, Taranenko V, Bednarz B, Caracappa P, Xu XG. A preliminary study to assess dose to pregnant females and fetuses undergoing CT examinations. Health Phys., 95(1): S51, 2008.
  100. Gu JW, Dorgu A, Xu XG. Comparison of main software packages for CT dose reporting. Health Phys., 95(1): S50, 2008.